D. McCloskey, The West is Inspired and Informed by Liberty and Dignity
7 Hayek Quotes (selected by the editor of Technoratus)
L. von Mises, It is not fine to be a young man under bureaucratic management
John Mackey, Capitalism is a source of value
Bill Gates, Summer 2019 Reading List
F. Hayek, Why opinion leaders are attracted by socialist ideas
Ayn Rand, Human life depends on the choice to think
Ayn Rand, Human beings survive and prosper by means of achievement, not theft
A. Bernstein, Ayn Rand on the value of selfishness
Huyssteen, The relevance of t = 0 to creation ex nihilo
Val Dusek, Constructivism in philosophy, mathematics and other fields
Val Dusek, Spinoza, Einstein, monism, and holism